Monday, June 29, 2009

God's Plans For Me

Hello to all my Christian Blogger Friends

It has been some time since I last posted,just wanted to let you all know what God has and is doing in my life.

I am in the process of selecting a Seminary school to attend just to get he basis and then on to studying so that I can be ordained. I am involved right now in a Bible Study class at a High Rise(Senior Citizens) on Saturday afternoons.

This past weekend I attend a Divine Encounter Women's Conference I was truly blessed. On Saturday the Prophetic team from IHOP (International House Of Prayer) came and gave each one of us a prophetic reading. We each received the recording of the word from God.

I am also getting ready to get a Women's Conference together called the Warring Women. I am just so thankful to God for giving me all these works for the body of Christ.

So my dear Beloveds please keep me in your prayers as I embark on these plans that God has given me as I stay on course of my Destiny.


  1. I will be praying for you as you follow God's will for your life.

  2. Wow girl!!!!How awesome. May God's purpose for your life be fulfilled. B

  3. Praying for the wisdom, counsel and leadership of the Holy Spirit upon you Stephanie as you walk forward in HIM. Praise the Lord!

  4. Hi Stephanie,

    Just checking in on you. Hope your summer is going good. B

  5. Keep seeking, never let Him go. Lovingly, Yolanda

  6. Praying that you will allow God to order your steps as you seek His will. Enjoyed my visit to your blog home!


Living a FIT Life