This song has been on my mind all during my consecration. I need so much more of Him.
Sister In Christ
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
This Is Our Season
I just wanted to share this song with you. This is truly a very moving praise and worship song it touches the very depth of your Soul.
Sister In Christ
Sister In Christ
Praise and Worship
Monday, July 27, 2009
Walking In Faith
Hello to my Christian blogger family, so much has been going on in my life that I really do not know where to start. I do know that I have missed each and everyone of you.
I titled my post today Walking In Faith because this is exactly what I am doing. God had to sit me down and pretty much glued me to my seat so that I would take heed to his word. His chastisements are the ones that I enjoy,not like our parents when we were young how we would say little comments under our breath or sometimes even get bold enough to roll our eyes. It is just something about when God chastises us he captures our attention we sit and listen like a little child at their first day of kindergarten. So, for the past month I have been receiving visions and given instructions on yet another assignment for God. In my last post in June I spoke about the Womens Conference "Warring Women" which will take place on November 28-29th.
We as women are now standing on the front line of the battlfield for our Lord and Saviour. We are no longer standing in the shadows behind husbands and the leaders of the Church. This is our season as women to go forth and speak the word of God bodly. We are part of God's earthen vessels appointed by God to go out amongst His people and lead them to salvation. My sistahs I have such a joy in me that makes me want to shout from the rooftops "Oh How Great Is Our God". Don't think that I am not going or have not gone through somethings but, I know that I these circumstances that we go through are like growing pains they will pass and what we have to do is keep moving straight ahead toward that great reward. We must not give up cause that is exactly what the enemy wants us to do. Our trials and tribulations are our testimonies so that someone who may be going through that exact same thing or similar will hear how even through the mist of our issues we still Thanked the Lord and he was right by ourside every step of the way.
I do not know who this was for but God gave me this to post for someone. Remember: Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)
I titled my post today Walking In Faith because this is exactly what I am doing. God had to sit me down and pretty much glued me to my seat so that I would take heed to his word. His chastisements are the ones that I enjoy,not like our parents when we were young how we would say little comments under our breath or sometimes even get bold enough to roll our eyes. It is just something about when God chastises us he captures our attention we sit and listen like a little child at their first day of kindergarten. So, for the past month I have been receiving visions and given instructions on yet another assignment for God. In my last post in June I spoke about the Womens Conference "Warring Women" which will take place on November 28-29th.
We as women are now standing on the front line of the battlfield for our Lord and Saviour. We are no longer standing in the shadows behind husbands and the leaders of the Church. This is our season as women to go forth and speak the word of God bodly. We are part of God's earthen vessels appointed by God to go out amongst His people and lead them to salvation. My sistahs I have such a joy in me that makes me want to shout from the rooftops "Oh How Great Is Our God". Don't think that I am not going or have not gone through somethings but, I know that I these circumstances that we go through are like growing pains they will pass and what we have to do is keep moving straight ahead toward that great reward. We must not give up cause that is exactly what the enemy wants us to do. Our trials and tribulations are our testimonies so that someone who may be going through that exact same thing or similar will hear how even through the mist of our issues we still Thanked the Lord and he was right by ourside every step of the way.
I do not know who this was for but God gave me this to post for someone. Remember: Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)
Mini Message
Monday, June 29, 2009
God's Plans For Me
Hello to all my Christian Blogger Friends
It has been some time since I last posted,just wanted to let you all know what God has and is doing in my life.
I am in the process of selecting a Seminary school to attend just to get he basis and then on to studying so that I can be ordained. I am involved right now in a Bible Study class at a High Rise(Senior Citizens) on Saturday afternoons.
This past weekend I attend a Divine Encounter Women's Conference I was truly blessed. On Saturday the Prophetic team from IHOP (International House Of Prayer) came and gave each one of us a prophetic reading. We each received the recording of the word from God.
I am also getting ready to get a Women's Conference together called the Warring Women. I am just so thankful to God for giving me all these works for the body of Christ.
So my dear Beloveds please keep me in your prayers as I embark on these plans that God has given me as I stay on course of my Destiny.
It has been some time since I last posted,just wanted to let you all know what God has and is doing in my life.
I am in the process of selecting a Seminary school to attend just to get he basis and then on to studying so that I can be ordained. I am involved right now in a Bible Study class at a High Rise(Senior Citizens) on Saturday afternoons.
This past weekend I attend a Divine Encounter Women's Conference I was truly blessed. On Saturday the Prophetic team from IHOP (International House Of Prayer) came and gave each one of us a prophetic reading. We each received the recording of the word from God.
I am also getting ready to get a Women's Conference together called the Warring Women. I am just so thankful to God for giving me all these works for the body of Christ.
So my dear Beloveds please keep me in your prayers as I embark on these plans that God has given me as I stay on course of my Destiny.
My Journey
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Jesus Is All The World To Me
This morning the Lord woke me up with the hymn Jesus Is All The World To Me. I do not quite understand why He keeps putting the old hymns in my spirit. Maybe it is because when you hear these old hymns they touch the depths of your soul. As I laid in bed with this song playing in my mind it gave me such eternal peace.
Proverbs 18:24
A man who has friends must himself be friendly. But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Jesus is all the world to me, my life, my joy, my all;
He is my strength from day to day, without Him I would fall.
When I am sad, to Him I go, no other one can cheer me so;
When I am sad, He makes me glad, He’s my Friend.
Jesus is all the world to me, my Friend in trials sore;
I go to Him for blessings, and He gives them over and o’er.
He sends the sunshine and the rain, He sends the harvest’s golden grain;
Sunshine and rain, harvest of grain, He’s my Friend.
Jesus is all the world to me, and true to Him I’ll be;
O how could I this Friend deny, when He’s so true to me?
Following Him I know I’m right, He watches o’er me day and night;
Following Him by day and night, He’s my Friend.
Jesus is all the world to me, I want no better Friend;
I trust Him now, I’ll trust Him when life’s fleeting days shall end.
Beautiful life with such a Friend, beautiful life that has no end;
Eternal life, eternal joy, He’s my Friend.
I pray my Dear Sistahs that this song gives someone some comfort today and the days to come through whatever circumstances that are being a challenge.
Proverbs 18:24
A man who has friends must himself be friendly. But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Jesus is all the world to me, my life, my joy, my all;
He is my strength from day to day, without Him I would fall.
When I am sad, to Him I go, no other one can cheer me so;
When I am sad, He makes me glad, He’s my Friend.
Jesus is all the world to me, my Friend in trials sore;
I go to Him for blessings, and He gives them over and o’er.
He sends the sunshine and the rain, He sends the harvest’s golden grain;
Sunshine and rain, harvest of grain, He’s my Friend.
Jesus is all the world to me, and true to Him I’ll be;
O how could I this Friend deny, when He’s so true to me?
Following Him I know I’m right, He watches o’er me day and night;
Following Him by day and night, He’s my Friend.
Jesus is all the world to me, I want no better Friend;
I trust Him now, I’ll trust Him when life’s fleeting days shall end.
Beautiful life with such a Friend, beautiful life that has no end;
Eternal life, eternal joy, He’s my Friend.
I pray my Dear Sistahs that this song gives someone some comfort today and the days to come through whatever circumstances that are being a challenge.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I Can Only Imagine
Today my Christian Sistahs I just want to post this song I can only Imagine. I sit this morning in meditation to my Heavenly Father with this song playing in the background.
I can only imagine
What it will be like
When I walk
By Your side
I can only imagine
What my eyes will see
When Your face
Is before me
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Will I dance for You Jesus or in awe of You be still?
Will I stand in Your presence, to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
When that day comes
When I find myself
Standing in the Son
I can only imagine
When all I will do
Is forever
Forever worship You
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Will I dance for You Jesus or in awe of You be still?
Will I stand in Your presence, to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine, yeahh
I can only imagine
Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Will I dance for You Jesus or in awe of You be still?
Will I stand in Your presence, to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine, yeahhh
I can only imagine
I can only imagine, yeah
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
When all i will do
Is forever
Forever worship you
I can only imagine...
I can only imagine
What it will be like
When I walk
By Your side
I can only imagine
What my eyes will see
When Your face
Is before me
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Will I dance for You Jesus or in awe of You be still?
Will I stand in Your presence, to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
When that day comes
When I find myself
Standing in the Son
I can only imagine
When all I will do
Is forever
Forever worship You
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Will I dance for You Jesus or in awe of You be still?
Will I stand in Your presence, to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine, yeahh
I can only imagine
Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Will I dance for You Jesus or in awe of You be still?
Will I stand in Your presence, to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine, yeahhh
I can only imagine
I can only imagine, yeah
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
When all i will do
Is forever
Forever worship you
I can only imagine...
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Blog Award Recipients
This is my list for the Lemonade Stand Award. Each one of these recipients I enjoy and get so much encouragement,insight,and joy when I read their blogs. They touch the very deep of my soul. (I enjoy each time I come to your post thirsty and partake of the living words you post) (I have been able to witness how you have become a diligent seeker) (your post show so much compassion in the things around you) ( your post are like a ray of sunshine on my spirit) ( your post are true to the title of your blog passionate pursuit) ( God has chosen you to be His instrument in writing with the deep knowledge of His word)
If any of you have not visited these blogs take some time and do so,believe me you will be glad you did. Its like coming to the well and having a drink of Living Water
All recipients need to pick 3 to 8 bloggers they want to honor and post their sights and then contact the winners so they can pick up their award. (I enjoy each time I come to your post thirsty and partake of the living words you post) (I have been able to witness how you have become a diligent seeker) (your post show so much compassion in the things around you) ( your post are like a ray of sunshine on my spirit) ( your post are true to the title of your blog passionate pursuit) ( God has chosen you to be His instrument in writing with the deep knowledge of His word)
If any of you have not visited these blogs take some time and do so,believe me you will be glad you did. Its like coming to the well and having a drink of Living Water
All recipients need to pick 3 to 8 bloggers they want to honor and post their sights and then contact the winners so they can pick up their award.
Award Recipients
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Where God Leads
This morning I was on my way to have my annual mammogram at the usual imaging place. I made my turn parked the car and I was walking up to the building another lady was making her way to the entrance also. We spoke and then for some reason she began to stagger like she was about to fall. I immediately grabbed hold of her and opened the door. She thanked me and said for some reason I cannot get my balance. When we arrived in the waiting room she sat down and I went up to the receptionist desk to sign in. I told her that the lady sitting down there was having some trouble with her balance. There was a lady standing at the desk filling out papers and she responded and said oh that is my mother she is with me. I felt myself about to say something to her that probably would not have been very nice so I just left it alone. I then gave the receptionist my name and she was looking at the appointments and she told me that she could not find my name. Well come to find out ladies I was at the wrong imaging office.
I know where I was suppose to be,but God needed me to be there at that time to help someone.
So I arrived where I was suppose to be and got prepared for my examination. The technician took several pictures and left to show the doctor. When she returned she said that she had to take more images of my right breast there seem to be something showing up. So she proceed the whole time she is taking the images I am singing "God Will Take Care Of You". She takes those images to the doctor comes back and says he needs for you to have a sonogram done. Okay, we proceed and do that I am still singing too the Lord and thanking Him. When the technician gets done dong that she says I do not see anything irregular I shouted "Praise God". She took the pictures to the doctor and came back and said he wants to see you in 6 months.
So today I stand in Thanks to my Heavenly Father for giving me the knowledge of His word,and trusting and believing in His promises. God Never Fails
Proverbs 16:9
A man's heart plans his way,But the Lord directs his steps.
I know where I was suppose to be,but God needed me to be there at that time to help someone.
So I arrived where I was suppose to be and got prepared for my examination. The technician took several pictures and left to show the doctor. When she returned she said that she had to take more images of my right breast there seem to be something showing up. So she proceed the whole time she is taking the images I am singing "God Will Take Care Of You". She takes those images to the doctor comes back and says he needs for you to have a sonogram done. Okay, we proceed and do that I am still singing too the Lord and thanking Him. When the technician gets done dong that she says I do not see anything irregular I shouted "Praise God". She took the pictures to the doctor and came back and said he wants to see you in 6 months.
I Thessalonians 5:16-22
Rejoice always,
pray without ceasing,
in everything give thanks;
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Do not quench the Spirit.
Do not despise prophecies.
Test all things,hold fast what is good.
Abstain from every form of evil.
So today I stand in Thanks to my Heavenly Father for giving me the knowledge of His word,and trusting and believing in His promises. God Never Fails
Monday, June 8, 2009
God Makes No Mistakes
This past week I attended a funeral for a 5 month old baby boy named Geron Hall. His parents found him in the bed unresponsive. After many attempts to revive him by grandparents and paramedics he passed away. This child enter this world on December 19th with his twin sister Gerionna. For the 5 months of his life he was very ill,unable to keep formula down in which the doctors changed on several occasions. His parents who are young couldn't understand why this happened to them. I got a chance to talk with them and explain to them that God gave them 5 months with this child to Love and Nurture,but it was time for him to return back to his Heavenly Father. He is laying in the arms of our Heavenly Father now not sick anymore. I had to explain to them that if as long as they live their life according to His word that they will see their little Geron Hall again. At the cemetery I was holding Gerionna and just looking at her I couldn't help myself to wonder if some way did she have a sense that her twin brother was no longer with us here. I believe she does because they would sleep facing each other and I was told that sometimes they would be holding hands. That lets me know that she knows that he is not with her in the flesh but that he is with her in spirit. How Precious.
This past Tuesday we lost one of our Senior members at our church. Sistah Jean Stephens who has been battling cancer for sometime. Some years ago she went into remission,but about 8 months ago it came back. This was truly a woman of God,even through her chemo and discomfort with pain she always had a smile. She had not been able to attend church since December in which the last time she was at church was when I graduated form my Purpose En Route to Destiny class. When she came to that she was on oxygen then and very weak. I am sure that when the doctors told her that they had to take her off the chemo because there was nothing else they could do for her I imagine she told them that it is in God's hands and that it is well with my Soul.
I have learned alot from her. I always enjoyed listening to her testimonies on Sunday oh how blessed she was. She will be missed,but again God doesn't make a mistake. I believe that he came to her on Tuesday morning and whispered in ear and said You fought a good fight and you continued to stand on my promises never once did you doubt me. For this it is time to come home now your work is done here.
This past Tuesday we lost one of our Senior members at our church. Sistah Jean Stephens who has been battling cancer for sometime. Some years ago she went into remission,but about 8 months ago it came back. This was truly a woman of God,even through her chemo and discomfort with pain she always had a smile. She had not been able to attend church since December in which the last time she was at church was when I graduated form my Purpose En Route to Destiny class. When she came to that she was on oxygen then and very weak. I am sure that when the doctors told her that they had to take her off the chemo because there was nothing else they could do for her I imagine she told them that it is in God's hands and that it is well with my Soul.
I have learned alot from her. I always enjoyed listening to her testimonies on Sunday oh how blessed she was. She will be missed,but again God doesn't make a mistake. I believe that he came to her on Tuesday morning and whispered in ear and said You fought a good fight and you continued to stand on my promises never once did you doubt me. For this it is time to come home now your work is done here.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Wilted Soul
Yesterday I had left one of my plants out in the sun and so when I returned home this is what I found
. My flowers were wilted and limp.

So I immediately put the flowers in the shade and gave them water. Within minutes they were back to normal.
It made me think about my life how wilted and limp I was until I fully gave my life to Christ.
In Isaiah 58:11 The Lord will guide you continually,
And satisfy your soul in drought,
And strengthen your bones;
You shall be like a watered garden,
And like a spring of water,whose waters do not fail.
Before we found the Lord we were wilted,limp,dry,thirsty,hungry and slowly dying. Oh,but when we finally recognized that it was God knocking at the door and we answered it and let him come in he made us refreshed and renewed.
So the next time you come across some wilted flowers,let them be a reminder to you how you looked before you opened your heart and let God enter in.

So I immediately put the flowers in the shade and gave them water. Within minutes they were back to normal.
It made me think about my life how wilted and limp I was until I fully gave my life to Christ.
In Isaiah 58:11 The Lord will guide you continually,
And satisfy your soul in drought,
And strengthen your bones;
You shall be like a watered garden,
And like a spring of water,whose waters do not fail.
Before we found the Lord we were wilted,limp,dry,thirsty,hungry and slowly dying. Oh,but when we finally recognized that it was God knocking at the door and we answered it and let him come in he made us refreshed and renewed.
So the next time you come across some wilted flowers,let them be a reminder to you how you looked before you opened your heart and let God enter in.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Proposed Mastectomy Law Change-Very Important
I received an email this morning that I felt I should share with everyone. This email is about a proposed Mastectomy Law Change. I am encouraging everyone who reads this to please sign the petition,and forward the information to everyone you know.
Proposed Mastectomy Law Change
(written by a surgeon);
I'll never forget the look in my patients eyes when I had to tell them they had to go home with the drains, new exercises and no breast. I remember begging the doctors to keep these women in the hospital longer, only to hear that they would, but their hands were tied by the insurance companies.
So there I sat with my patient giving them the instructions they needed to take care of themselves, knowing full well they didn't grasp half of what I was saying, because the glazed, hopeless, frightened look spoke louder than the quiet 'Thank you' they muttered.
A mastectomy is when a woman's breast is removed in order to remove cancerous breast cells/tissue. If you know anyone who has had a mastectomy, you may know that there is a lot of discomfort and pain afterwards. Insurance companies are trying to make mastectomies an outpatient procedure. Let's give women the chance to recover properly in the hospital for 2 days after surgery.
This Mastectomy Bill is in Congress now. It takes 2 seconds to do this and is very important. Please take the time and do it really quick! The Breast Cancer Hospitalization Bill is important legislation for all women.
Please send this to everyone in your address book. If there was ever a time when our voices and choices should be heard, this is one of those times. If you're receiving this, it's because I think you will take the 30 seconds to go to vote on this issue and send it=2 0on to others you know who will do the same.
There's a bill called the Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act which will require insurance companies to cover a minimum 48-hour hospital stay for patients undergoing a mastectomy. It's about eliminating the 'drive-through mastectomy' where women are forced to go home just a few hours after surgery, against the wishes of their doctor, still groggy from anesthesia and sometimes with drainage tubes still attached.
Lifetime Television has put this bill on their web page with a petition drive to show your support.. Last year over half the House signed on. PLEASE! Sign the petition by clicking on the web site below. You need not give more than your name and zip code number. Your Zip Code will get your message to your Representative.
This takes about 2 seconds. PLEASE PASS THIS ON to your friends.
Copy and paste the following suggested messsage (or edit as may be desired) in the message block of the petition:
Please co-sponsor and support the Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act.
Proposed Mastectomy Law Change
(written by a surgeon);
I'll never forget the look in my patients eyes when I had to tell them they had to go home with the drains, new exercises and no breast. I remember begging the doctors to keep these women in the hospital longer, only to hear that they would, but their hands were tied by the insurance companies.
So there I sat with my patient giving them the instructions they needed to take care of themselves, knowing full well they didn't grasp half of what I was saying, because the glazed, hopeless, frightened look spoke louder than the quiet 'Thank you' they muttered.
A mastectomy is when a woman's breast is removed in order to remove cancerous breast cells/tissue. If you know anyone who has had a mastectomy, you may know that there is a lot of discomfort and pain afterwards. Insurance companies are trying to make mastectomies an outpatient procedure. Let's give women the chance to recover properly in the hospital for 2 days after surgery.
This Mastectomy Bill is in Congress now. It takes 2 seconds to do this and is very important. Please take the time and do it really quick! The Breast Cancer Hospitalization Bill is important legislation for all women.
Please send this to everyone in your address book. If there was ever a time when our voices and choices should be heard, this is one of those times. If you're receiving this, it's because I think you will take the 30 seconds to go to vote on this issue and send it=2 0on to others you know who will do the same.
There's a bill called the Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act which will require insurance companies to cover a minimum 48-hour hospital stay for patients undergoing a mastectomy. It's about eliminating the 'drive-through mastectomy' where women are forced to go home just a few hours after surgery, against the wishes of their doctor, still groggy from anesthesia and sometimes with drainage tubes still attached.
Lifetime Television has put this bill on their web page with a petition drive to show your support.. Last year over half the House signed on. PLEASE! Sign the petition by clicking on the web site below. You need not give more than your name and zip code number. Your Zip Code will get your message to your Representative.
This takes about 2 seconds. PLEASE PASS THIS ON to your friends.
Copy and paste the following suggested messsage (or edit as may be desired) in the message block of the petition:
Please co-sponsor and support the Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
God's Way
We are about to start up this years In Search of Purpose En Route to Destiny classes in August. So since me and 3 other ladies are the 2008 alumni we will be group leaders this year.
Yesterday we had another meeting with some women who are interested in the class. Well as we were trying to get the DVD player to work we had picture but no sound. Of course the first thing we did was to rebuke the enemy. We went into a powerful Praise and Worship and Prayer. The audio was still not working. So one of our group leaders had a portable DVD player same thing happened no audio.
We then just starting talking about the class all of the alumni gave testimony as to how the class has changed our lives. We talked for hours,we completely forgot about the audio not working.
The Lord spoke to my Heart and said,you don't need audio everything that was going to be spoken from that DVD you all have given testimony of it.
So not all the time should we be so quick to give the enemy gratification when things don't go as we planned.
God has a way of making things happen the way he wants a certain thing to play out.
I encourage you all to look into the Polished Arrows International "In Search Of Purpose En Route To Destiny". This is a 14 week appointment with God. It is definitely a life changing experience.
If any of you would like more information just send me an email and I will get the information out to you.
Yesterday we had another meeting with some women who are interested in the class. Well as we were trying to get the DVD player to work we had picture but no sound. Of course the first thing we did was to rebuke the enemy. We went into a powerful Praise and Worship and Prayer. The audio was still not working. So one of our group leaders had a portable DVD player same thing happened no audio.
We then just starting talking about the class all of the alumni gave testimony as to how the class has changed our lives. We talked for hours,we completely forgot about the audio not working.
The Lord spoke to my Heart and said,you don't need audio everything that was going to be spoken from that DVD you all have given testimony of it.
So not all the time should we be so quick to give the enemy gratification when things don't go as we planned.
God has a way of making things happen the way he wants a certain thing to play out.
I encourage you all to look into the Polished Arrows International "In Search Of Purpose En Route To Destiny". This is a 14 week appointment with God. It is definitely a life changing experience.
If any of you would like more information just send me an email and I will get the information out to you.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Standing in God's Will
Today my Christian Sistah's I have declared and decreed that I Stephanie wearer of the Crown is standing in His Will. My journey that God has prepared for me is not a easy one,but I know that through His Grace and Mercy I will succeed.
I won't give up or give in
I will keep on til the end
I will keep steadfast unmovable
Always abounding in you Lord
I am standing in Your Will
I so much enjoy this song and especially today. For some reason this morning I felt like I have just been sitting idol on what God has called me to do. Then I heard this song,I listen to this song everyday,but today God allowed it to touch down deep in my soul. So this is my Will today to just Stand in His Will.
I won't give up or give in
I will keep on til the end
I will keep steadfast unmovable
Always abounding in you Lord
I am standing in Your Will
I so much enjoy this song and especially today. For some reason this morning I felt like I have just been sitting idol on what God has called me to do. Then I heard this song,I listen to this song everyday,but today God allowed it to touch down deep in my soul. So this is my Will today to just Stand in His Will.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
So Thankful
Today and everyday I am thankful to my Heavenly Father,but today is a special day for me. On this day May 27th is the day that I was born into this world I have been in existence for 49 years now.
Today as I arose out of my bed I gave thanks to God and as I meditated with him I was taken on a journey of my life. Oh our Heavenly Father is so merciful that he saved me from my own destruction. As I sit today in deep meditation with him just basking in His Glory. The song There Is None Like You echoes in my spirit. Now I have heard this song sang so many ways but I like it when it is sung slow. I truly like this version of the song,especially the pictures that are shown while the song is being sung.
There is truly no one like him,that even when we have turned our backs on him he is still right there never leaving our sides. Sometimes we get off the path that he laid out for us before we are born,but waits so patiently for us to get on the right path. How can anyone not want to serve such an awesome God.
So now I am proud to say that this is the year that I Stephanie Wearer of the Crown is on the battlefield for my Lord and Saviour. No turning back only moving forward to my great reward which is to have Eternal Life with my Heavenly Father.
Today as I arose out of my bed I gave thanks to God and as I meditated with him I was taken on a journey of my life. Oh our Heavenly Father is so merciful that he saved me from my own destruction. As I sit today in deep meditation with him just basking in His Glory. The song There Is None Like You echoes in my spirit. Now I have heard this song sang so many ways but I like it when it is sung slow. I truly like this version of the song,especially the pictures that are shown while the song is being sung.
There is truly no one like him,that even when we have turned our backs on him he is still right there never leaving our sides. Sometimes we get off the path that he laid out for us before we are born,but waits so patiently for us to get on the right path. How can anyone not want to serve such an awesome God.
So now I am proud to say that this is the year that I Stephanie Wearer of the Crown is on the battlefield for my Lord and Saviour. No turning back only moving forward to my great reward which is to have Eternal Life with my Heavenly Father.
Birthday Thanks
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Old Time Religion
Today I attended The Sister In Strength Bible Study. This is a bible study that we have every 3rd Saturday of the month. This month it was held on the 4Th Saturday because of plans other women had. Anyway as we were in our circle having intercessory prayer,God put the song In Times Like These in my spirit. As I sang the song all the other women joined in. God has placed these old hymns in my spirit for a reason.
He has told me that it is time that the Churches go back to conducting Church the way it was meant to be done. We have become some commercial wise in how we conduct Church.
I had sometime when I returned home to think back as far as I could remember when I would visit my Grandmother in Claremore,Oklahoma. Now my Grandmother was a Baptist,I can remember watching the Deacons sitting in front of the pulpit and singing without any music. I can remember looking at them and wondering are they sick or something,cause it just sounded like they were moaning.
If you take the time to think back then some 40 or so years,the world was nothing like it is now. Why? cause back then the Christians knew who God was,and they lived their lives just as the Bible said. There was no deviating any word that God had spoken. People back then feared God.
So ladies it is time we put that Old Time Religion back into our churches. There is nothing wrong with the new gospel songs,to me its just that the old hymns marinates your spirit
He has told me that it is time that the Churches go back to conducting Church the way it was meant to be done. We have become some commercial wise in how we conduct Church.
I had sometime when I returned home to think back as far as I could remember when I would visit my Grandmother in Claremore,Oklahoma. Now my Grandmother was a Baptist,I can remember watching the Deacons sitting in front of the pulpit and singing without any music. I can remember looking at them and wondering are they sick or something,cause it just sounded like they were moaning.
If you take the time to think back then some 40 or so years,the world was nothing like it is now. Why? cause back then the Christians knew who God was,and they lived their lives just as the Bible said. There was no deviating any word that God had spoken. People back then feared God.
So ladies it is time we put that Old Time Religion back into our churches. There is nothing wrong with the new gospel songs,to me its just that the old hymns marinates your spirit
Friday, May 22, 2009
Ugly Religion
I have just started reading a book by Max Lucado titled AND THE ANGELS WERE SILENT. Yesterday I finished chapter 4 and it was about Ugly Religion. I felt that this Chapter would be good to share
In this Chapter Max uses the story of the blind men,how they were loud and obnoxious because they wanted Jesus to heal their eyes so they could see.
That is the way some Christians and Denominations are. They feel like God is to busy for the poor or little people. When they are denied access to Christ,it leaves them empty. Ugly Religion.
If you don't wear the right clothes to Church,or maybe your prayers are prayed differently. Your Church has few members than most. God is not concerned about any of that. He is more concerned with your heart being right.
He just wants us to do the best we can with what we have,and that is enough for God.
In Jeremiah 29:13(NKJV)
And you will seek Me and find Me,when you search for Me with all your heart.
I recommend this book to everyone if you have not read it already.
In this Chapter Max uses the story of the blind men,how they were loud and obnoxious because they wanted Jesus to heal their eyes so they could see.
That is the way some Christians and Denominations are. They feel like God is to busy for the poor or little people. When they are denied access to Christ,it leaves them empty. Ugly Religion.
If you don't wear the right clothes to Church,or maybe your prayers are prayed differently. Your Church has few members than most. God is not concerned about any of that. He is more concerned with your heart being right.
He just wants us to do the best we can with what we have,and that is enough for God.
In Jeremiah 29:13(NKJV)
And you will seek Me and find Me,when you search for Me with all your heart.
I recommend this book to everyone if you have not read it already.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Times Like These
Today God put this song in my spirit
In times like these you need a Saviour
In times like these you need an Anchor
Be very sure,be very sure
Your anchor holds and grips the solid Rock
This Rock is Jesus,Yes He's the one
This Rock is Jeuse,the only one
Be very sure,be very sure
Your anchor holds and grips the solid Rock
In times like these you need a Bible
In times like these O be not idle
Be very sure,be very sure
Your anchor holds and grips the solid Rock
I pray that whomever this was meant for that it gives you much needed comfort in whatever you are going through
In times like these you need a Saviour
In times like these you need an Anchor
Be very sure,be very sure
Your anchor holds and grips the solid Rock
This Rock is Jesus,Yes He's the one
This Rock is Jeuse,the only one
Be very sure,be very sure
Your anchor holds and grips the solid Rock
In times like these you need a Bible
In times like these O be not idle
Be very sure,be very sure
Your anchor holds and grips the solid Rock
I pray that whomever this was meant for that it gives you much needed comfort in whatever you are going through
Saturday, May 16, 2009
All Things Work Together For Good
Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God,to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Everybody is going to go through somethings that don't make sense. For instances losing your job,home,health issues and marriages and relationships. So we start to complain and grip and wonder why is this happening to me. I shouldn't be going through this. We do this because we do not have a full understanding and full knowledge of the word.
We are not going through a depression or a recession,this is the wrath of God. Even though we are Christians we have to go through the storms also. See God is tired of the way the earth has become corrupted,and people depending on man instead of Him.
Romans 8:29
For whom he foreknew,He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son,that He might be the first born among many brethren.
God's ultimate purpose for us is to grow more and more into the image of His Son. He wants to mold,shape and transform us into Godly,righteous and Holy Saints.
Romans 12:12
Rejoicing in hope,patient in tribulation,continuing steadfastly in prayer.
So as these trials come we should be joyful and thankful,God is working in our life,he has a plan and purpose.
James 1:2-4
My brethren count it all Joy when you fall into various trials,Knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work that you may be perfect and complete,lacking nothing.
Perfect-being without fault
Lacking nothing-having need of nothing
When one door closes,God has another door for you to walk through something better.
The difficulties and challenges are merely stepping stones toward your brighter future.
This was a message that God gave me. I just wanted to share it cause there might be someone who right now feels that there is no Hope that God has forgotten about them.
I pray that this message will uplift someone and give them Hope.
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God,to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Everybody is going to go through somethings that don't make sense. For instances losing your job,home,health issues and marriages and relationships. So we start to complain and grip and wonder why is this happening to me. I shouldn't be going through this. We do this because we do not have a full understanding and full knowledge of the word.
We are not going through a depression or a recession,this is the wrath of God. Even though we are Christians we have to go through the storms also. See God is tired of the way the earth has become corrupted,and people depending on man instead of Him.
Romans 8:29
For whom he foreknew,He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son,that He might be the first born among many brethren.
God's ultimate purpose for us is to grow more and more into the image of His Son. He wants to mold,shape and transform us into Godly,righteous and Holy Saints.
Romans 12:12
Rejoicing in hope,patient in tribulation,continuing steadfastly in prayer.
So as these trials come we should be joyful and thankful,God is working in our life,he has a plan and purpose.
James 1:2-4
My brethren count it all Joy when you fall into various trials,Knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work that you may be perfect and complete,lacking nothing.
Perfect-being without fault
Lacking nothing-having need of nothing
When one door closes,God has another door for you to walk through something better.
The difficulties and challenges are merely stepping stones toward your brighter future.
This was a message that God gave me. I just wanted to share it cause there might be someone who right now feels that there is no Hope that God has forgotten about them.
I pray that this message will uplift someone and give them Hope.
Message of Hope
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Thank you Lord
I Have a testimony this morning that I want to share. Me and a group of women were scheduled to go to Joyce Meyers conference in Tulsa,Oklahoma. We were suppose to leave this morning and return back to Kansas on Sunday morning. All last week a couple of the had some unexpected car repairs. We still were going to try and make the trip regardless. Sunday my sister came by and informed me that she had a tooth that was infected and causing her alot of discomfort,but she was still willing to go. So,Monday the Lord just put it on my heart that this was not our time,to much unexpected things were happening. My heart was like but I want to go and God said not this time. We cancelled the trip.
On Wednesday I went to my Doctor for a routine check-up,when the nurse came and took my blood pressure it was 170/100. I have never had high blood pressure before,but I have been noticing that I have been suffering with alot of headaches and sometimes I would feel like I was going to pass out. Now it has been some years since I have been to the doctor since I had no insurance. To God be the glory because I was able to find some insurance that I could afford.
I said this to just show how God knew what my medical circumstances was going to be. See I had not planned on going to the doctor until after our trip. Since we had to cancel I went ahead and made an appointment. It is so wonderful to be kept by Jesus.
He knows everything about us even when we don't.
So you see sometimes when we say yes to something and then things don't fall into place its because God knows what lies ahead and he is just trying to keep us safe. We all could have been hard headed and went on the trip anyway,but only God knows what would have awaited us on this trip.
On Wednesday I went to my Doctor for a routine check-up,when the nurse came and took my blood pressure it was 170/100. I have never had high blood pressure before,but I have been noticing that I have been suffering with alot of headaches and sometimes I would feel like I was going to pass out. Now it has been some years since I have been to the doctor since I had no insurance. To God be the glory because I was able to find some insurance that I could afford.
I said this to just show how God knew what my medical circumstances was going to be. See I had not planned on going to the doctor until after our trip. Since we had to cancel I went ahead and made an appointment. It is so wonderful to be kept by Jesus.
He knows everything about us even when we don't.
So you see sometimes when we say yes to something and then things don't fall into place its because God knows what lies ahead and he is just trying to keep us safe. We all could have been hard headed and went on the trip anyway,but only God knows what would have awaited us on this trip.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The Talent (Chapter 4)
This morning as I had my quiet time with the Lord he spoke these words to me."You have a special talent that I have given you and you are just letting it go dormant". Now I have been unemployed since September and for the most part I really haven't been spending my every waking moment looking for a job. So, before I had my quiet time with Lord this morning I was pondering on a job. I had asked my mother about maybe I would look into being a bus aide. Her remark was that since they have been cutting back she didn't think they would be hiring. Okay,so back to the drawing board on a search for a job.
Now I have been conversing with the Lord and he tells me that I have just been sitting on a talent that he gave me. At first I was like no I don't think so,and then he said "you can sew can't you",all I could say was yes Lord I can but I have not sewn for quite a long time. It doesn't matter how long its been the talent is still there.
So, I have put my plan in motion,I was reminded of a sermon one of our Assistant ministers preached. He had spoke on not to think little but think big. I told my mom that I am going to be an entrepreneur. I have already started writing down my plans I am going to make some items and sell them at my mothers garage sale,then I am going to rent a booth and sell some items there,get me some business cards printed up and from there the sky's the limit. (Philippians 4:13) I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. God said it and I am going to do it.
Before I truly had opened my heart to the Lord, I never knew that when things would come to me I would always say something told me. Now I know that God had always been talking to me I just was so preoccupied in doing my own thing that I never realized it.
I am so grateful to be in the position that I am in now with the Lord. To know that there is nothing that we as Christians cannot accomplish as long as we trust and have faith in the Lord.
Now I have been conversing with the Lord and he tells me that I have just been sitting on a talent that he gave me. At first I was like no I don't think so,and then he said "you can sew can't you",all I could say was yes Lord I can but I have not sewn for quite a long time. It doesn't matter how long its been the talent is still there.
So, I have put my plan in motion,I was reminded of a sermon one of our Assistant ministers preached. He had spoke on not to think little but think big. I told my mom that I am going to be an entrepreneur. I have already started writing down my plans I am going to make some items and sell them at my mothers garage sale,then I am going to rent a booth and sell some items there,get me some business cards printed up and from there the sky's the limit. (Philippians 4:13) I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. God said it and I am going to do it.
Before I truly had opened my heart to the Lord, I never knew that when things would come to me I would always say something told me. Now I know that God had always been talking to me I just was so preoccupied in doing my own thing that I never realized it.
I am so grateful to be in the position that I am in now with the Lord. To know that there is nothing that we as Christians cannot accomplish as long as we trust and have faith in the Lord.
When God Speaks
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Retreat (Chapter3)
On May 1st. I was able to go on my first retreat. It was me and 6 other ladies from our Purpose En Route to Destiny class. I have always wanted to attend a retreat so I was very excited to go. Our retreat was at Buffalo Ridge which is located in Williamsburg,Kansas. It was a beautiful place out in a rural area and very peaceful. When we arrived on Friday evening we had brought snacks and so we eat and fellowshipped together. We watched a very good movie called "End of the Spear"
This was a very moving movie for me. He shows how we should be forgiving Christians. I recommend this movie if you have not seen it.
On Saturday morning when I woke up I looked outside the bedroom window and I saw the Buffalo. They are amazing animals and I was in Aw watching them move. They would move and then just stop and it was like they were standng still. We could learn from these animals because they take their time they are in no hurry. We seem to at times be in a hurry,and for what reason whatever we have that needs to get done God will make sure it gets done.
Retreat prt.1
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Beginning of Transformation (Chapter 2)
I have always felt that there was something else I should have been doing in my life. My days and weeks consisted of going to work and Church on Sundays. I knew in my spirit that there was something missing. So I began to pray and ask God to send me someone who would give me that incentive to become more involved in serving God.
I had a co-worker who invited me to go to a evening program at her church. I went and I was really feeling enjoying the program. Then it happened they had a Prophet there and for some reason I wanted to just leave the building. In the back of my mind I remember being taught to be aware of false prophets. Well he asked everyone to come up front so that he could lay hands on them, of course I stayed in my seat. As the line got shorter he looked out in the audience and knew I had not been up so he called me up front. I went very slowly, when it came time for him to lay hands on me he told me that I had a peculiar spirit. Right then I was like to myself he really is off base. Then he told me that I was not suppose to be here, and I proceeded to tell him that I was invited. He said no that is not what I meant,you were not suppose to be born. Wow, that really blew me away and I knew then he must be one of those false prophets.
Little did I know that God was placing me back on the right path getting me ready for my purpose. One morning me and my mother were at the table and for some reason she started talking about how her pregnancy was when she was carrying me. I found out that my mother had a very difficult pregnancy with me,and that after she delivered me they had to resuscitate me. When she told me all this I shared with her about the prophet,needless to say we both just looked at each other and began to cry. So even when I was in my mothers womb the enemy tried to destroy me. That is why I love the song God Blocked It by Kurt Carr. That song is definitely my testimony.
My prayers were answered God sent a lady to our church and we just really connected. It is through her I am now involved in 2 bible study classes for women. I graduated in December from the Purpose En Route to Destiny classes. Through these activities I now have more involvement than work and Church. God is so good to us sometimes that we do not realize it. I thank the Lord each day that I came to realize all that he has for me.
I am a Preacher and Evangelist I would have gotten on the right path eventually but I am sure the Lord said this child needs a push. It is so amazing to me know all the things that I do now I have become a diligent seeker of his word. I am more knowledgeable of his word than I have ever been.
It has been about 2 weeks ago and I spoke at a High Rise for senior citizens. The title of my message was All Things Work Together For Good. The day that I was to deliver this message I was very worried that I would not deliver it right. So I kept going over it until God said put it away you cannot mess it up it comes straight from the Bible and those are my words. So as I was giving the message it was like I was outside my body,the words that I spoke definitely came from God. When I had finished there was a lady that came up to me and she said I enjoyed the message and now I have Hope. Wow,me who was once lost in sin,the Lord has come into my life and I have given someone hope.
I had a co-worker who invited me to go to a evening program at her church. I went and I was really feeling enjoying the program. Then it happened they had a Prophet there and for some reason I wanted to just leave the building. In the back of my mind I remember being taught to be aware of false prophets. Well he asked everyone to come up front so that he could lay hands on them, of course I stayed in my seat. As the line got shorter he looked out in the audience and knew I had not been up so he called me up front. I went very slowly, when it came time for him to lay hands on me he told me that I had a peculiar spirit. Right then I was like to myself he really is off base. Then he told me that I was not suppose to be here, and I proceeded to tell him that I was invited. He said no that is not what I meant,you were not suppose to be born. Wow, that really blew me away and I knew then he must be one of those false prophets.
Little did I know that God was placing me back on the right path getting me ready for my purpose. One morning me and my mother were at the table and for some reason she started talking about how her pregnancy was when she was carrying me. I found out that my mother had a very difficult pregnancy with me,and that after she delivered me they had to resuscitate me. When she told me all this I shared with her about the prophet,needless to say we both just looked at each other and began to cry. So even when I was in my mothers womb the enemy tried to destroy me. That is why I love the song God Blocked It by Kurt Carr. That song is definitely my testimony.
My prayers were answered God sent a lady to our church and we just really connected. It is through her I am now involved in 2 bible study classes for women. I graduated in December from the Purpose En Route to Destiny classes. Through these activities I now have more involvement than work and Church. God is so good to us sometimes that we do not realize it. I thank the Lord each day that I came to realize all that he has for me.
I am a Preacher and Evangelist I would have gotten on the right path eventually but I am sure the Lord said this child needs a push. It is so amazing to me know all the things that I do now I have become a diligent seeker of his word. I am more knowledgeable of his word than I have ever been.
It has been about 2 weeks ago and I spoke at a High Rise for senior citizens. The title of my message was All Things Work Together For Good. The day that I was to deliver this message I was very worried that I would not deliver it right. So I kept going over it until God said put it away you cannot mess it up it comes straight from the Bible and those are my words. So as I was giving the message it was like I was outside my body,the words that I spoke definitely came from God. When I had finished there was a lady that came up to me and she said I enjoyed the message and now I have Hope. Wow,me who was once lost in sin,the Lord has come into my life and I have given someone hope.
My Journey
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A brief moment in the past (Chapter 1)
Wow, I do not know where to start my journey so far has been very eventful(PRAISE GOD).
I have always been a women who attended church pretty regular. Like most of you I was raised in going to Sunday School and Church. Of course as I got older and was able to make decisions on my own I did not attend that regular. So the paths that I chose to take were not those that God had paved for me. I had a bad marriage one that I had to endure verbal and physical abuse again this was a choice I made. Now I know what the word uneven yoke is all about. I and my 4 children attend church not on a regular basis but we did go. At times is was very hard because when we would return home from church I was always greeted by the enemy. Sometimes I felt like what is the use whatever I got out of the message and the fellowship with the saints has diminished now. One day I had finally had enough of this lifestyle and made the decision to get out of this marriage. That is exactly what I did.
I started this post with my broken marriage so that as the other post are read this might be a blessing for someone else who is are have gone through something similar if not the same. To know that there is a life for you that is far better than the one you have now.
I have come to understand exactly what is meant by the Scripture Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God,to those who are the called according to His purpose". Now that I know what purpose God has for me,I am able to understand that all the trials and tribulations that I went through in my life was to get me to this season. Every obstacle that I have had to face was hard but now I can help someone who is going through what I had to endure. We need to know that as we continue on our journeys that God has paved for us we will have to go through somethings in order to do His will. Lets say for instance someone comes up to you who is dealing with something and this thing has pretty much exhausted them. So they come to you for some guidance. I feel that instead of saying to them I can only imagine what you are going through, you tell them I know what you going through and I am here to tell you that God will get you through it I am a living testimony that he will
I have always been a women who attended church pretty regular. Like most of you I was raised in going to Sunday School and Church. Of course as I got older and was able to make decisions on my own I did not attend that regular. So the paths that I chose to take were not those that God had paved for me. I had a bad marriage one that I had to endure verbal and physical abuse again this was a choice I made. Now I know what the word uneven yoke is all about. I and my 4 children attend church not on a regular basis but we did go. At times is was very hard because when we would return home from church I was always greeted by the enemy. Sometimes I felt like what is the use whatever I got out of the message and the fellowship with the saints has diminished now. One day I had finally had enough of this lifestyle and made the decision to get out of this marriage. That is exactly what I did.
I started this post with my broken marriage so that as the other post are read this might be a blessing for someone else who is are have gone through something similar if not the same. To know that there is a life for you that is far better than the one you have now.
I have come to understand exactly what is meant by the Scripture Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God,to those who are the called according to His purpose". Now that I know what purpose God has for me,I am able to understand that all the trials and tribulations that I went through in my life was to get me to this season. Every obstacle that I have had to face was hard but now I can help someone who is going through what I had to endure. We need to know that as we continue on our journeys that God has paved for us we will have to go through somethings in order to do His will. Lets say for instance someone comes up to you who is dealing with something and this thing has pretty much exhausted them. So they come to you for some guidance. I feel that instead of saying to them I can only imagine what you are going through, you tell them I know what you going through and I am here to tell you that God will get you through it I am a living testimony that he will
My Journey
Monday, May 4, 2009
My Personal Journey with God (Introduction)
Before I get started just want to say Hello to all Bloggers. I have been off the blog for sometime. But I am happy to say that I am back.
This weekend I went on a Christian retreat with some of our Purpose En Route to Destiny Leaders and new graduates (which I am ). We went to Buffalo Ridge which is located in Williamsburg Kansas. Going on this retreat has been something that I have always wanted to participate in,so this was really a treat for me. We were definitely in a rural area as we drove up to the site we saw sheep,goats,Angus cattle,chickens and roosters. To get a better ideal of where I was go to
There is so much to tell everyone of what has been going on in my life,so for the days to come I will be telling of my Journey that God has placed me on. I am so much more connected to him than ever before. So with that full connection that I have with my Lord and Savior the enemy has been on my heels like never before. But I am truly a soldier in the army of the Lord right there on the front line to do his will and to fulfill my purpose and destiny.
This is just the preface of my Journey,please return tomorrow for more.
This weekend I went on a Christian retreat with some of our Purpose En Route to Destiny Leaders and new graduates (which I am ). We went to Buffalo Ridge which is located in Williamsburg Kansas. Going on this retreat has been something that I have always wanted to participate in,so this was really a treat for me. We were definitely in a rural area as we drove up to the site we saw sheep,goats,Angus cattle,chickens and roosters. To get a better ideal of where I was go to
There is so much to tell everyone of what has been going on in my life,so for the days to come I will be telling of my Journey that God has placed me on. I am so much more connected to him than ever before. So with that full connection that I have with my Lord and Savior the enemy has been on my heels like never before. But I am truly a soldier in the army of the Lord right there on the front line to do his will and to fulfill my purpose and destiny.
This is just the preface of my Journey,please return tomorrow for more.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
The Samaritan Woman
Who was this woman? Do you know anyone like her, I do she is me she is you. This woman had a pass, she was the woman that other women talked about. So if you read the story about her in John 4, then you know that she came to the well in the 6th hour alone. Why do you think that she waited until then to come and draw water from the well? Could it have been because she was trying to avoid all the other women.
How many times have we made a comment about a neighbor,co-worker,friend,church member,pastor or just someone in a store or on the street. I have there was a young lady at WalMart one day that had on some really short shorts, now I saw this just a week ago we had one of those warm days I believe the temperature was around 70 degrees. Anyway I made the comment that she really did not need to be wearing something that short and this was really still winter. Ouch see I am no better than those women who talked about the Samaritan woman. To categorize it I was a mean woman and I had categorize her as being a bad girl.
You see those other women looked at how she lived her life,not taking the time to really get to know her. Jesus saw the Samaritan woman as being thirsty so instead of condemning her for her obvious sins Jesus offered her Living Water.
"but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life." John 4:14 (NKJV)
So who is the "real" Samaritan woman? It's me and its you we are all "ex" bad girls-thirsty women.
The next time you come across a young woman or an older woman who seems like their not living a life that would be pleasing to God. Give them a drink of the Living Water.
How many times have we made a comment about a neighbor,co-worker,friend,church member,pastor or just someone in a store or on the street. I have there was a young lady at WalMart one day that had on some really short shorts, now I saw this just a week ago we had one of those warm days I believe the temperature was around 70 degrees. Anyway I made the comment that she really did not need to be wearing something that short and this was really still winter. Ouch see I am no better than those women who talked about the Samaritan woman. To categorize it I was a mean woman and I had categorize her as being a bad girl.
You see those other women looked at how she lived her life,not taking the time to really get to know her. Jesus saw the Samaritan woman as being thirsty so instead of condemning her for her obvious sins Jesus offered her Living Water.
"but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life." John 4:14 (NKJV)
So who is the "real" Samaritan woman? It's me and its you we are all "ex" bad girls-thirsty women.
The next time you come across a young woman or an older woman who seems like their not living a life that would be pleasing to God. Give them a drink of the Living Water.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Our Daily Bread
This is a devotion I read this morning and I wanted to share with my blogger friends. As you read it really take the time to digest what Max Lucado is saying.
"Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread." by Max Lucado
What a statement of trust! Whatever you want me to have is all I want. Some days the plate runs over. God keeps bringing out more food and we keep loosening our belt. A promotion. A privilege. A friendship. A gift. A lifetime of grace. An eternity of joy. There are times when we literally push ourselves back from the table, amazed at God's kindness. "You serve me a six-course dinner right in front of my enemies. You revive my drooping head; my cup fills with blessing" (Ps. 23:5 MSG).
And then there are those days when, well, when we have to eat our broccoli. Our daily bread could be tears or sorrow or discipline. Our portion may include adversity as well as opportunity.
This verse was on my mind last night during family devotions. I called my daughters to the table and set a plate in front of each. In the center of the table I placed a collection of food: some fruit, some raw vegetables and some Oreo cookies. "Every day," I explained, "God prepares for us a plate of experiences. What kind of plate do you most enjoy?"
The answer was easy. Sara put three cookies on her plate. Some days are like that, aren't they? Some days are "three cookie days." Many are not. Sometimes our plate has nothing but vegetables--twenty-four hours of celery, carrots, and squash. Apparently God knows we need some strength, and though the portion may be hard to swallow, isn't it for our own good? Most days, however, have a bit of it all. Vegetables, which are healthy but dull. Fruit, which tastes better and we enjoy. And even an Oreo, which does little for our nutrition, but a lot for our attitude.
All are important and all are from God.
The next time your plate has more broccoli than apple pie, remember who prepared the meal. And the next time your plate has a portion you find hard to swallow, talk to God about it. Jesus did. In the garden of Gethsemane his Father handed him a cup of suffering so sour, so vile, that Jesus handed it back to heaven. "My Father," he prayed, "if it is possible may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will" (Matt. 26:39).
Even Jesus was given a portion he found hard to swallow. But with God's help, he did. And with God's help, you can too.
From The Great House of God© (Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2001) Max Lucado
"Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread." by Max Lucado
What a statement of trust! Whatever you want me to have is all I want. Some days the plate runs over. God keeps bringing out more food and we keep loosening our belt. A promotion. A privilege. A friendship. A gift. A lifetime of grace. An eternity of joy. There are times when we literally push ourselves back from the table, amazed at God's kindness. "You serve me a six-course dinner right in front of my enemies. You revive my drooping head; my cup fills with blessing" (Ps. 23:5 MSG).
And then there are those days when, well, when we have to eat our broccoli. Our daily bread could be tears or sorrow or discipline. Our portion may include adversity as well as opportunity.
This verse was on my mind last night during family devotions. I called my daughters to the table and set a plate in front of each. In the center of the table I placed a collection of food: some fruit, some raw vegetables and some Oreo cookies. "Every day," I explained, "God prepares for us a plate of experiences. What kind of plate do you most enjoy?"
The answer was easy. Sara put three cookies on her plate. Some days are like that, aren't they? Some days are "three cookie days." Many are not. Sometimes our plate has nothing but vegetables--twenty-four hours of celery, carrots, and squash. Apparently God knows we need some strength, and though the portion may be hard to swallow, isn't it for our own good? Most days, however, have a bit of it all. Vegetables, which are healthy but dull. Fruit, which tastes better and we enjoy. And even an Oreo, which does little for our nutrition, but a lot for our attitude.
All are important and all are from God.
The next time your plate has more broccoli than apple pie, remember who prepared the meal. And the next time your plate has a portion you find hard to swallow, talk to God about it. Jesus did. In the garden of Gethsemane his Father handed him a cup of suffering so sour, so vile, that Jesus handed it back to heaven. "My Father," he prayed, "if it is possible may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will" (Matt. 26:39).
Even Jesus was given a portion he found hard to swallow. But with God's help, he did. And with God's help, you can too.
From The Great House of God© (Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2001) Max Lucado
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Wonderful Benefits
This morning I was reading my devotions and one in particular that I read just really struck my spirit. It was talking about how great our benefits are that we receive from God.
Now most of us know that when we are seeking employment we are always asking the employer what type of benefit package they have. I had to laugh when I thought of this because the benefits that we get from employers are not everlasting when we are terminated or laid off the benefits are taken away from us also.
Oh but Gods benefits are everlasting and no man can take them away because they have been given to us by God when he sent his only begotten Son Jesus to Calvary.
Heavenly Father I think you for these benefits:
1. Forgiveness
2. Healing
3. Redemption
4. Loving kindness
5. Tender mercies
In the scripture Psalm 68:19 Blessed be the Lord,Who daily loads us with benefits,The God of salvation! (NKJV)
Every morning before I eat I read Psalm 103:1-5 to thank God for all that I have. Will all my blogger friends join me everyday and read this scripture with me feed your soul so that we can soar through our daily responsibilities like eagles.
Now most of us know that when we are seeking employment we are always asking the employer what type of benefit package they have. I had to laugh when I thought of this because the benefits that we get from employers are not everlasting when we are terminated or laid off the benefits are taken away from us also.
Oh but Gods benefits are everlasting and no man can take them away because they have been given to us by God when he sent his only begotten Son Jesus to Calvary.
Heavenly Father I think you for these benefits:
1. Forgiveness
2. Healing
3. Redemption
4. Loving kindness
5. Tender mercies
In the scripture Psalm 68:19 Blessed be the Lord,Who daily loads us with benefits,The God of salvation! (NKJV)
Every morning before I eat I read Psalm 103:1-5 to thank God for all that I have. Will all my blogger friends join me everyday and read this scripture with me feed your soul so that we can soar through our daily responsibilities like eagles.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Hello all my blogger friends, I know it has been awhile since I have left a post I have been busy getting ready for my first meeting of my young women ministry. As you can see my title for this post is suggestions. That is exactly what I am needing from those who stop by and visit. This ministry is for young women in the age bracket 17-25. My goal for starting this is so the young women can get the basis of what is to walk in the Word and to live according to God's will. Learn what their purpose and destiny is. To know what God expects of them and to know how much he loves them. So my blogger friends if you have any suggestions for me I am open to any and all. We all are a part of any work that is being done in the name of Jesus. So lets let the suggestions begin.
My first meeting is February 28th from 1-3pm at Ark Christian Center KCK
My first meeting is February 28th from 1-3pm at Ark Christian Center KCK
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Got To Be Ready
All this week the enemy has been at my heels. Sometime in the night God spoke in my ear and gave me the scripture 1John 4:4 Great is He that is in me, than he that is in the world. Along with that he gave me the book of Colosians he instructed me to not just read it but get it down in my spirit. I know that this was from God because when I woke Friday morning this scripture came out of my mouth and I have been saying it daily all day . Not that this was enough but this morning I was checking my emails, I receive a prayer and a meditation and scriptures from Germaine Copeland, Now all last week I ha not received an email from her until today. The title of her prayer was Run the Race. The two scriptures were Habakkuk 2:2-3 and Ephesians 4:1.
I feel so blessed because God out of millions of people hand-picked me to go out an speak his word at the appointed time when he instructs me too. Let me just speak more on the being hand-picked, its like when you go to the grocery store to get your fruits an vegetables and you read the label and it says picked in Florida or wherever. But to know that God reached way down deep and hand-picked you how awesome is that.
God has showed and told me through these scriptures that he is about to do something big, and so we must be ready for whatever he may call you for. This is a mission that all Christians who believe and trust in him will be a part of this. God says we have been appointed by him.
I feel so blessed because God out of millions of people hand-picked me to go out an speak his word at the appointed time when he instructs me too. Let me just speak more on the being hand-picked, its like when you go to the grocery store to get your fruits an vegetables and you read the label and it says picked in Florida or wherever. But to know that God reached way down deep and hand-picked you how awesome is that.
God has showed and told me through these scriptures that he is about to do something big, and so we must be ready for whatever he may call you for. This is a mission that all Christians who believe and trust in him will be a part of this. God says we have been appointed by him.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
My Precious Granddaughters
I had the opportunity to hear one of my granddaughters say her prayers last night. Aaliyah spent the night with me and so before she went to sleep I asked her did you say your prayers. Of course she answered no and then she began to say:
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
If I should die before I wake
I pray the Lord my Soul to take
God bless everyone and I love everyone
Amen Amen and Amen, Thank you Jesus
Now my granddaughter is 7 years old,she touched my heart at the end when she ask God to bless everyone an that she loves everyone and then she thanked him. It makes me feel good because I know that when she is in church she is listening to what the preacher is saying and paying attention to when we pray at church and when I am praying at home.
I did some research today on this prayer and I notice that their are several different versions, that was interesting to me. I had though about teaching her one of those but I think I will just let her say her prayer her way. I am sure it delights God when little children send a prayer up to him. I am now letting her know that she can pray to God all day, when she feels sad, sick or just want to ask the Lord for something or just think him for what he is doing in her life and others.
My 4 year old granddaughter T'naeja asked me one day when we were leaving church where does God sleep. She has heard us say that this is God's house so she was wondering that since this is his house where is his bed. I had to chuckle because I did find humour in this especially coming from a 4 year old. I explained to her that he does not require sleep because he does not have a physical body like ours. He does not get tired nor does he eat. She then asked me how many God's were there. I explained to her that there is only 1 God and he goes by many names. I guess she understood because she did not ask anymore questions.
I wanted to share this today because in the hearts of the little children they have questions that we as adults probably never think about. Like this one where does he sleep? It is so amazing to know that he is available for us 24/7 -365 days of the year. He rest but not sleep and I believe when he rest that means that he just stops doing something but not rest like us.
PSALM 121:3-4 (NKJV)
He will not allow your foot to be moved:
He who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold,He who keeps Israel
Shall neither slumber nor sleep.
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
If I should die before I wake
I pray the Lord my Soul to take
God bless everyone and I love everyone
Amen Amen and Amen, Thank you Jesus
Now my granddaughter is 7 years old,she touched my heart at the end when she ask God to bless everyone an that she loves everyone and then she thanked him. It makes me feel good because I know that when she is in church she is listening to what the preacher is saying and paying attention to when we pray at church and when I am praying at home.
I did some research today on this prayer and I notice that their are several different versions, that was interesting to me. I had though about teaching her one of those but I think I will just let her say her prayer her way. I am sure it delights God when little children send a prayer up to him. I am now letting her know that she can pray to God all day, when she feels sad, sick or just want to ask the Lord for something or just think him for what he is doing in her life and others.
My 4 year old granddaughter T'naeja asked me one day when we were leaving church where does God sleep. She has heard us say that this is God's house so she was wondering that since this is his house where is his bed. I had to chuckle because I did find humour in this especially coming from a 4 year old. I explained to her that he does not require sleep because he does not have a physical body like ours. He does not get tired nor does he eat. She then asked me how many God's were there. I explained to her that there is only 1 God and he goes by many names. I guess she understood because she did not ask anymore questions.
I wanted to share this today because in the hearts of the little children they have questions that we as adults probably never think about. Like this one where does he sleep? It is so amazing to know that he is available for us 24/7 -365 days of the year. He rest but not sleep and I believe when he rest that means that he just stops doing something but not rest like us.
PSALM 121:3-4 (NKJV)
He will not allow your foot to be moved:
He who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold,He who keeps Israel
Shall neither slumber nor sleep.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
But God
My oldest son worked for a company that had shut its doors about a month of ago, now my son was no longer with this company and so he had not received his W-2. He called the company and all he got was their voice mail and it was full so he could not leave a message. Now just to give you brief introduction of my son he is 24 years old, husband, father of 3, a faithful member of our church. Now he reminds me all the time that God is still dealing with him so there are still things in his life that he needs to change. Well it is now February 2ND and my son is starting to worry because he does not have anyway of getting his W-2. I am trying to help him by looking up on the Internet to see if I can find the company headquarters. Yesterday I found it and I called him to give him the information, he could not find a piece of paper or a pen so I told him I would write the information down for him and bring it to him. Right there at that moment God was already working, you see my son didn't need to write the information down because when I went to check the mail his W-2 was in the mail (PRAISE GOD). I began to praise and worship and pray cause we serve an awesome God. This is a But God testimony, I am reminded of the scripture The things which are impossible with men are possible with God (Luke 18:27).
As I was praying the song by Kurt Carr came on titled For Every Mountain:
I've got so much to thank God for So many wonderful blessings and so many open doors A brand new mercy along with each new day That's why I praise You and for this I give You praise For waking me up this morning That's why I praise You For starting me on my way That's why I praise You For letting me see the sunshine that's why I praise You of a brand new Day A brand new mercy along with each new day That's why I praise You and for this I give You praise You're Jehovah Jhireh That's why I praise You You've been my Provider That's why I praise You You see so many times You´ve met my needs So many times You rescued me That's why I praise You I want to thank You for the blessing You give to me each day That's why I praise You For this I give You praise For every mountain You brought me over For every trial you've seen me through For every blessing Hallelujah, for this I give You praise
As I was praying the song by Kurt Carr came on titled For Every Mountain:
I've got so much to thank God for So many wonderful blessings and so many open doors A brand new mercy along with each new day That's why I praise You and for this I give You praise For waking me up this morning That's why I praise You For starting me on my way That's why I praise You For letting me see the sunshine that's why I praise You of a brand new Day A brand new mercy along with each new day That's why I praise You and for this I give You praise You're Jehovah Jhireh That's why I praise You You've been my Provider That's why I praise You You see so many times You´ve met my needs So many times You rescued me That's why I praise You I want to thank You for the blessing You give to me each day That's why I praise You For this I give You praise For every mountain You brought me over For every trial you've seen me through For every blessing Hallelujah, for this I give You praise
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Hand-Picked by God
How many times have you been with a group of Christians women and it seems that you all have experienced the same things. Maybe not exactly as yours but it was similar. Yesterday I meet with my Purpose En Route to Destiny class. This is a group of Christian women who have attended a 14-week discipleship class which is lectured by Pastor Chene Tucker. During our testimony time we each ( there were 8 of us in attendance on Saturday) took our time in giving ours. When it came my time I astonished at how my testimony was pretty much the same as theirs. We all had gone through a spiritual warfare during the week, some were with husbands,children,jobs,relative. As I gave my testimony the Lord spoke to me and said you all have been hand picked by me it is no coincidence that you all attended this class together. What a feeling that came over me to know that God hand picked us to be together even before we were conceived. So the next time you find yourself with a certain group of women and your lives in some way are connected by similar circumstances remember you were hand-picked by God.
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light (1Peter 2:9)NKJV
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light (1Peter 2:9)NKJV
Friday, January 30, 2009
Spritual Warfare
This week the enemy has really been on the attack in my household, to the point where I was feeling like a prisoner in my home. All this week I have been praying and worshipping the Lord asking him to remove this evilness from the house. Yesterday I ha to reach out to one of my mentors and prayer sister and requested prayer for the situation that was going on in the house.
I was reminded that God is just standing by to see if I am going to use what he has given unto me.
In the book of Luke 10:19 (NKJV) it reads:
"Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you"
Then the Lord directed me to Ephesians 6:10-17 (NKJV)
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace: above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
The Lord instructed me to write the scripture out, this way as I wrote it out the words were dwelling deep down in my spirit. I hope that this will also help someone else who is or has been going through a spiritual warfare.
I was reminded that God is just standing by to see if I am going to use what he has given unto me.
In the book of Luke 10:19 (NKJV) it reads:
"Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you"
Then the Lord directed me to Ephesians 6:10-17 (NKJV)
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace: above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
The Lord instructed me to write the scripture out, this way as I wrote it out the words were dwelling deep down in my spirit. I hope that this will also help someone else who is or has been going through a spiritual warfare.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Endless Goodness
This morning I was reading a devotion and it was about the goodness of God. His goodness is truly endless.
1. He wakes us up in the morning to a brand new day that he has made
2. He supplies all our needs
3. He protects us
4. He comforts us
5. He chastises us
6. He loves us unconditionally
7. He sent his only begotten Son so that we may have everlasting life
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. (Revelation 3:20 NKJV)
How can anyone not want to answer that door and let God in and to know his mercy and goodness is everlasting.
1. He wakes us up in the morning to a brand new day that he has made
2. He supplies all our needs
3. He protects us
4. He comforts us
5. He chastises us
6. He loves us unconditionally
7. He sent his only begotten Son so that we may have everlasting life
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. (Revelation 3:20 NKJV)
How can anyone not want to answer that door and let God in and to know his mercy and goodness is everlasting.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The Right Path
As I journey through the land, singing as I go,Pointing souls to Calvary—to the crimson flow,Many arrows pierce my soul from without, within;But my Lord leads me on, through Him I must win.
Refrain:Oh, I want to see Him, look upon His face,There to sing forever of His saving grace;On the streets of glory let me lift my voice,Cares all past, home at last, ever to rejoice.
When in service for my Lord dark may be the night,But I’ll cling more close to Him, He will give me light;Satan’s snares may vex my soul, turn my thoughts aside;But my Lord goes ahead, leads whate’er betide.
When in valleys low I look toward the mountain height,And behold my Savior there, leading in the fight,With a tender hand outstretched toward the valley low,Guiding me, I can see, as I onward go.
When before me billows rise form the mighty deep,Then my Lord directs my bark; He doth safely keep,And He leads me gently on through this world below;He’s a real Friend to me, oh, I love Him so.
After I had read my blogs from all the other Christian women that I follow the Lord gave me this song. I have learned that when the Lord gives you something you just give him all the Praise and Glory. As I began singing the song and then I started to read the words and I realized this was for me. This week has been a very difficult one for me it seems like the enemy has just been trying to attack me in all directions. I enjoy reading the post of you dear friends cause there is always something said that just uplifts me.
This evening I was reading about the family that was killed because the parents felt like there was no hope for them since they had lost their jobs. We had a young lady here in Kansas that took the life of her 18 month old baby and herself. I know that times are hard but if these people would just take a moment and just cry out to God he will fix it. I have been praying to God because these incidents when adults are taken their lives and their babies lives too it has become to much for me to grasp. I know that before it is over it is going to get harder but people just have to get to know our Heavenly Father. He says that he will not put no more on us than we can bear.
I have been out of a job since September, yes I get unemployment and no it is nothing like getting my salary that I had come accustomed too. But I have Faith like a mustard seed that even though one door has been closed he will open another. I still have my usual monthly household bills. But when I wake up every morning I don't have no doubt cause I know that the Lord is going to provide for me and I know that the Lord is going to take care of me and I know the Lord is going to guide me all the way.
We must continue to pray and keep our post coming because we don't know it but we might be saving someone from destroying their life and the life of their family.
Refrain:Oh, I want to see Him, look upon His face,There to sing forever of His saving grace;On the streets of glory let me lift my voice,Cares all past, home at last, ever to rejoice.
When in service for my Lord dark may be the night,But I’ll cling more close to Him, He will give me light;Satan’s snares may vex my soul, turn my thoughts aside;But my Lord goes ahead, leads whate’er betide.
When in valleys low I look toward the mountain height,And behold my Savior there, leading in the fight,With a tender hand outstretched toward the valley low,Guiding me, I can see, as I onward go.
When before me billows rise form the mighty deep,Then my Lord directs my bark; He doth safely keep,And He leads me gently on through this world below;He’s a real Friend to me, oh, I love Him so.
After I had read my blogs from all the other Christian women that I follow the Lord gave me this song. I have learned that when the Lord gives you something you just give him all the Praise and Glory. As I began singing the song and then I started to read the words and I realized this was for me. This week has been a very difficult one for me it seems like the enemy has just been trying to attack me in all directions. I enjoy reading the post of you dear friends cause there is always something said that just uplifts me.
This evening I was reading about the family that was killed because the parents felt like there was no hope for them since they had lost their jobs. We had a young lady here in Kansas that took the life of her 18 month old baby and herself. I know that times are hard but if these people would just take a moment and just cry out to God he will fix it. I have been praying to God because these incidents when adults are taken their lives and their babies lives too it has become to much for me to grasp. I know that before it is over it is going to get harder but people just have to get to know our Heavenly Father. He says that he will not put no more on us than we can bear.
I have been out of a job since September, yes I get unemployment and no it is nothing like getting my salary that I had come accustomed too. But I have Faith like a mustard seed that even though one door has been closed he will open another. I still have my usual monthly household bills. But when I wake up every morning I don't have no doubt cause I know that the Lord is going to provide for me and I know that the Lord is going to take care of me and I know the Lord is going to guide me all the way.
We must continue to pray and keep our post coming because we don't know it but we might be saving someone from destroying their life and the life of their family.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Walking in his Presence
You will show me the path of life, in Your presence is fullness of joy, at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. ( Psalm 16:11 NKJV)
Heavenly Father I come to you today asking you to lead me in the path that you have laid out before I was even conceived in my mothers womb. You told me that life would not be easy but I do not have to worry cause you have always been right by my side, even when I chose to go another direction. I now have chose to walk in that illuminated light of your presence as my guide.
I have not always walked with Christ, I was raised in the church went to Sunday School every Sunday. But when I got older and could make my own decisions I still went to church but I thought I could straddle the fence. Not so, God will let us bump our heads for a while, let us try to solve our problems on our own even though all we end up doing is making matters worst. Then he will sit us down sometimes we will get ill, or sometimes our storms just get so hard that we have to call on him. He will say I have always been here I never left I have been waiting for your call. Oh how wonderful that sounds to know that through all the pain and heartache you have gone through he was always there waiting patiently for your call.
Sometimes I try to figure out why there are not alot of people flocking to the church especially now when the world is destroying itself. You read about people killing themselves because of financial problems. Most of them are not just killing themselves but they are killing their wives, children. We as Christians have to keep praying for the world the unsaved people who are walking amongst us.
Oh don't they know how joyous it is to walk in his Presence, to just bask in his Mercy and Glory
Heavenly Father I come to you today asking you to lead me in the path that you have laid out before I was even conceived in my mothers womb. You told me that life would not be easy but I do not have to worry cause you have always been right by my side, even when I chose to go another direction. I now have chose to walk in that illuminated light of your presence as my guide.
I have not always walked with Christ, I was raised in the church went to Sunday School every Sunday. But when I got older and could make my own decisions I still went to church but I thought I could straddle the fence. Not so, God will let us bump our heads for a while, let us try to solve our problems on our own even though all we end up doing is making matters worst. Then he will sit us down sometimes we will get ill, or sometimes our storms just get so hard that we have to call on him. He will say I have always been here I never left I have been waiting for your call. Oh how wonderful that sounds to know that through all the pain and heartache you have gone through he was always there waiting patiently for your call.
Sometimes I try to figure out why there are not alot of people flocking to the church especially now when the world is destroying itself. You read about people killing themselves because of financial problems. Most of them are not just killing themselves but they are killing their wives, children. We as Christians have to keep praying for the world the unsaved people who are walking amongst us.
Oh don't they know how joyous it is to walk in his Presence, to just bask in his Mercy and Glory
Thursday, January 22, 2009
A word from God
This morning before I rose out of bed God gave me a word and that word was PREVAIL. After researching the meaning this is what I found:
1. to gain the advantage or mastery; be victorious; triumph: often with over or against
2. to produce or achieve the desired effect; be effective; succeed
3. to be or become stronger or more widespread; predominate
4. to exist widely; be prevalent
I thank the Lord for this word, after yesterday feeling that I had become lazy on my calling from the Lord, he gave me this word to let me know that my ministry will prevail.
Oh what a mighty God we serve
1. to gain the advantage or mastery; be victorious; triumph: often with over or against
2. to produce or achieve the desired effect; be effective; succeed
3. to be or become stronger or more widespread; predominate
4. to exist widely; be prevalent
I thank the Lord for this word, after yesterday feeling that I had become lazy on my calling from the Lord, he gave me this word to let me know that my ministry will prevail.
Oh what a mighty God we serve
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
In The Widerness
This morning I woke up feeling that I have become lazy on what God wants me to do. Have any of you gone through this feeling that you have lost your zeal? This is new to me I have always had this fire burning under my feet that would just keep me going. But for some reason today I do not have it. I have been reading my daily devotions,praying,praise and worship but it seems as though the fire isn't ignited today. What do you think that means?
Before I wrote this I did not have a title and then as I was about to publish it the Lord spoke and gave me the title. So not only answer what you think this means but also answer this question have any of you been in the wilderness and if so what did the Lord require you to do? For me he has told me to just cry out to him in prayer and worship.
Before I wrote this I did not have a title and then as I was about to publish it the Lord spoke and gave me the title. So not only answer what you think this means but also answer this question have any of you been in the wilderness and if so what did the Lord require you to do? For me he has told me to just cry out to him in prayer and worship.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
January 20 2009
But God
Today is the inauguration of our new President this is a historical day.As i have been watching the television last night and this morning and watching the multitude of people in Washington I am trying to understand why our churches are not so packed on Sunday morning with the same multitude as ther is today. Some people do not even give God this much attention,our churches should have people standing outside trying to get in. I wonder how many of those people thanked the Lord for letting them wake up this morning to witness this occasion. Nobody but God could have put Barack Obana in the White House
Today is the inauguration of our new President this is a historical day.As i have been watching the television last night and this morning and watching the multitude of people in Washington I am trying to understand why our churches are not so packed on Sunday morning with the same multitude as ther is today. Some people do not even give God this much attention,our churches should have people standing outside trying to get in. I wonder how many of those people thanked the Lord for letting them wake up this morning to witness this occasion. Nobody but God could have put Barack Obana in the White House
Monday, January 19, 2009
January 19 2009
The Mountain Top
Sunday our message came from the book of Micah 4:1-4. Our pastor was stating how it is an up hill journey to be with the Lord and how it is not an easy mountain to climb. So this morning I have been thinking about how true that is. I know that as long as I hold on to God's unchanging hand I will make it up that mountain. Even through the storms that we all as Christians go through we can make it.
"Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
To the house of the God of Jacob;
He will teach us His ways,
And we shall walk in His paths."
Micah 4:2 NKJV
Sunday our message came from the book of Micah 4:1-4. Our pastor was stating how it is an up hill journey to be with the Lord and how it is not an easy mountain to climb. So this morning I have been thinking about how true that is. I know that as long as I hold on to God's unchanging hand I will make it up that mountain. Even through the storms that we all as Christians go through we can make it.
"Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
To the house of the God of Jacob;
He will teach us His ways,
And we shall walk in His paths."
Micah 4:2 NKJV
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About Me

- Stephanie
- Kansas, Kansas, United States
- I am a divorced mother of 4,grandmother of 7 and I have been charged by my Lord and Saviour to Preach not just at the pulpit,but I have a portable pulpit that no matter where I am if God tells me to speak a word to someone I do in obedience to my Heavenly Father. My path has not always been the one that God had paved way for me. So I have gone through alot of trials and tribulations. Thanks be to my Heavenly Father I have learned from all my mishaps. Now I am on fire for the Lord,this journey that I am on I would not trade it for anything. I now have an intimate relationship with God,a love that I have never experienced before.
Thanks Pat (Pats Letters Go Inspired)

Encouraging Words

Thanks Lisa (Sharing Life With Lisa)

Happy to be a Sistah Blogger
Thanks Christine (Samaritan Diva)

Added Light

In Search Of Purpose EnRoute To Destiny
Meaning of my name "Stephanie"
I am wearer of the crown, Soverign head of state,Queen, Supreme ruler,Illuminated,Enlighten spirtually and intellectually,Highest or uppermost point,Minted,Pristine
Life Mission Statement
My life mission is through my Christian Missionary Work to counsel and minister. To provide a workshop for young women so that their knowledge of the word will increase. Provide them with the principles of living accordingly to God's word. To be a becon of light to the unsaved in showing them the road to repentance and salvation. To enlighten all hearers of the word to stand in faith and reap God's rewards which are plentiful and everlasting
Life Scripture
"Eye have not seen,nor ear heard
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepare for those who love Him."
1 Corinthians 2:9
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepare for those who love Him."
1 Corinthians 2:9